I love tangible progress. Sometimes you have real evidence that something has improved, grown or gone to the next level. It is what I call advance in my personal tag-line “explore.advance.enjoy”. Last Monday, in an impressively exciting match, Joris’s F1 junior football team beat the competitor that had so effortlessly wiped them off the field only one month earlier. In my blog post on this first match, I admired the opponent’s approach, their structure and their team spirit. But on Monday, I witnessed that this well organized and thought out structure is only an advantage for as long as it lasts. It stood no chance against pure motivation, excellence of execution and the surprising power of the underdog position. I guess that if you do not advance the successful structure you can be easily beaten by advanced execution. The boys really outperformed themselves and showed true progress as individuals, but most importantly as a unified team.
I love advance because it is the source of enjoy. You should have seen the absolute joy of the players once the game was over and securely won. But also the joy and pride of the supporting parents around the field. The coach of the other team was devastated. But I am certain that her frustration will be a great source to explore new ways to advance.